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VideoKernel Analytics Solutions
Video analytics solutions enable IP cameras to be used more effectively by making them smart. Cameras that are not integrated with video analytics solutions only record.
VideoKernel 3D Face Recognition Software and License Plate Recognition Software integrated with IP Cameras; It increases your safety to the next level and saves time and comfort.
Videokernel is completely owned by Neuron Teknoloji and is 100% Native software. All components and core structure were designed and developed by Neuron Technology R&D Department.
Our software has an ergonomic and flexible structure. For this reason, customized solutions can be created by making the desired special software studies. We are working with more determination and dedication every day to produce and develop better.

3D Face Recognition Systems
3D Face Recognition System Forensic Search Version

Any picture of the people sought is sufficient. In this way, in case the person switches from any camera connected to the system, a warning is given to the operator with an instant warning. It does not matter how the picture added to the system is obtained (ID, passport, etc).
3D Face Recognition System Access Control Version

Entry points of Residences, Business Centers, Factories, Public Buildings and Military Areas are usually provided by simpler access, fingerprint reader or embedded facial recognition devices. These devices cannot respond in terms of both safety and comfort.
3D Face Recognition System Casino Version

Videokernel 3D Face Recognition System Plays an active role in security purposes and VIP customer detection in shopping malls, stores and markets. According to statistics, 40% of shoplifters return within 30 days, and 20% of them return more than 4 times within 30 days and repeat the theft.
3D Face Recognition System Campus Version

Entrances into the education and training areas occur uncontrollably. Controls are provided by the most common card pass. Transitions are taken under control with Videokernel 3D Face Recognition Software. Detection of unwanted persons and detection of registered persons are made. In this way, campuses are safer and under control.
3D Face Recognition System Bank Version

The incidents of taking loans with fake IDs in banks have become widespread. Although bank personnel belong to these people, it is very difficult to detect them. The Videokernel 3D Face Recognition System analyzes all people entering the bank and activates the necessary warning mechanisms in case a blacklisted person enters, and financial losses that may occur are prevented.
3D Face Recognition System Casino Version

Casinos have a well-deserved reputation as one of the most exciting venues in the world. Casinos typically have certain types of unwanted guests. These guests may pose a security or revenue threat. And now, thanks to the facial recognition system for casinos, unwanted guests are easily blocked.
License Plate Recognition Systems
License Plate Recognition System Access Control Version

In places such as intercity highways, village roads, business entrances and university vehicle entry points, the Videokernel license plate recognition system records all passing vehicles. It warns the operator if a vehicle added to the blacklist passes through.
License Plate Recognition System Site Version

At Sites, Residences, Business centers and Business vehicle entry points, Videokernel license plate recognition system allows registered vehicles to pass through the barrier automatically. Personal vehicle limit and parking limit may apply. Vehicles added to the blacklist and not registered are blocked from entering.
License Plate Recognition System Paid Parking Version

Videokernel license plate recognition system calculates the price of all vehicles entering in private paid parking lots, Vegetable and Fruit Markets and shopping mall parking lots, according to the desired fare schedule. With subscriber registration, transitions are provided without waiting.
Videokernel Count
Optimisation of Vehicle and Pedestrian City Traffic

Analysis of the traffic flow based on live video stream received from traffic cameras. Analysis of the traffic flow based on live video stream received from traffic cameras.
Analysis of Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic Based on Aerial Footage

Analysis of the video files for the vehicle traffic flow that have been collected by the flying drones. The collected aerial footage is analyzed based on the specially developed algorithms for assessment of the traffic flow.
Live Monitoring of Free and Occupied Parking Spaces.

Live monitoring of free and occupied parking spaces. Counting and classification of arriving and departing vehicles. The system automatically sends notification to information systems ..
Videokernel Smart Pedestrian Crossing

Intelligent detection of people at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings including at night and under bad weather conditions. Based on the already installed observation cameras, the system utilises the live video stream and deep learning neural networks to collect statistics..
Vehicle Entry Monitoring at Plants

The system performs monitoring of entering and exiting vehicles with readable number plates, as well as vehicles that are equipped with RFID tags. The system also monitors entry and exit of vehicles that have number plates that cannot be recognised by the system (e.g. due to the presence of dirt).
Potential Areas for System Implementation

Traffic/conversion calculation at gas stations, counting of cars waiting in the car wash queue.. The system can also be used for different scenarios such as automatically adjusting advertising materials in outdoor advertising according to traffic density and traffic composition.